[67] A. Jarzębska, M. Bieda, J. Kawałko, P. Koprowski, Ł. Rogal, R. Chulist, B. Kania, K. Sztwiertnia, W. Pachla, M. Kulczyk, Synergistic effect of Mg addition and hydrostatic extrusion on microstructure and texture of biodegradable low-alloyed zinc, 2018 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 375 012008.

[67] A. Jarzębska, M. Bieda, J. Kawałko, P. Koprowski, Ł. Rogal, R. Chulist, B. Kania, K. Sztwiertnia, W. Pachla, M. Kulczyk, Synergistic effect of Mg addition and hydrostatic extrusion on microstructure and texture of biodegradable low-alloyed zinc, 2018 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 375 012008.


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15 czerwca, 2021