He specializes in the field of Materials Engineering, including structural changes in materials undergoing large plastic deformations at high pressures.He has 16 years of experience working in the Laboratory of Plastic Deformation Under High Pressure of the Institute of High Pressure Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, covering research on wide spectrum of materials with nanocrystalline structure after high pressure plastic deformation by hydrostatic extrusion.

Specializes in design of apparatus used in high strain plastic deformation processes and mathematical modelling of these processes. has 16 years of experience working in the Laboratory of Plastic Deformation Under High Pressure of the Institute of High Pressure Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, covering studies of plastic deformation of materials after high pressure plastic deformation by hydrostatic extrusion.

Specialist in the field of Materials Engineering. She has been working at the Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS for 13 years. She has extensive experience in materials research, related to structural and microstructural characterisation of materials after large plastic deformation, using light and scanning electron microscopy. Specialist in research and analysis of surface roughness. PhD Sylwia Przybysz is also involved in material testing and characterisation of structural and functional materials.

In the- Laboratory of Plastic Deformation Under High Pressurefor 14 years she conducts observations and structural analysis of metals and metal alloys after high plastic deformation both on light microscope and transmission microscope (TEM). She is also working on plastic deformation of polymers as part of her PhD thesis using high pressures. Dissertation title: "Polymeric materials reinforced by hydroextrusion".

Specialist in testing mechanical properties of materials after severe plastic deformation by static tearing, bending and compression methods and dynamic impact tests.
M.Sc. Mariusz Przybysz

Specialist in CAD machining - used in the process of manufacturing tooling for plastic deformation processes.
Sławomir Jobda

Specialist in operating equipment for cutting and EDM processes, expert in the field of heat treatment.
Dariusz Piętka

Specialist in machining of materials and tooling for HE proces.
Waldemar Szopa

Specialist in the machining of materials and tooling for the HE process.