From 14th to 16th August we hosted scientists from Slovakia from the Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences based in Bratislava. The group, led by Dr Martin Balog, conducted joint research in our laboratory on the influence of the hydrostatic extrusion process on the properties of powder materials. The issues studied concerned:
– Ti+Mg metal-metal composites for permeable dental implants with increased bioactivity and compatibility and reduced Young’s modulus,
– Zn – biodegradable material of stabilised grain structure with reduced recrystallization and grain growth capacity,
– Mg biodegradable materials to study the influence of Mg grain structure characteristics on corrosion rate,
-in-situ Al+Al2O3 composites named HITEMAL to study the thermal stability of the grain structure as a function of induced strain.
The joint research confirms the uniqueness of plastic processing by hydrostatic extrusion as an effective SPD method for deforming powder materials.